Will you take advantage of this moment and seize the opportunity to change your life forever? Here’s how:


the fact that like all human beings, you fall short of the glory of God because of a sinful nature.


that Jesus died to become your Savior and only His grace can cover your sins in the eyes of God.


that you need Jesus in your life and invite Him into your heart.


in the peace that only salvation through Christ can bring.

At New Beginnings Bible Fellowship, we believe an important part of spiritual growth is fellowship with other believers.  We want to encourage people to take this journey of life and faith together as a family of believers.  In our church, you will find imperfect, repentant sinners just like you encouraging, loving, and supporting each other in service to the Lord.

It is our fervent prayer that if you are looking for a church home where the Word of God is taught verse by verse, chapter by chapter, from the Holy Bible, that you will find fellowship here at New Beginnings.  Everything we do is base on God’s infallible Word.  Our vision is to see our people take the Word of God taught each week and live that out on a daily basis.  We would be delighted to welcome you into our family.

We are a group of Christians in varying stages of maturity from infancy to adolescence to grizzled veterans.  We come from different backgrounds and have experienced a variety of ups, downs, and sideways trips throughout our walks of life.  No matter which category you fall into, you will find a faithful friend or two (or more) at New Beginnings Bible Fellowship.

We are travelling faithfully on the journey to our Heavenly home and we hope to bring you along.  We think journeys are so much more enjoyable in the company of family and friends.  And we won’t have to ask “Are we there yet?” because we will surely know when we have arrived.

We invite you to come and grow with us!

How to find New Beginnings Bible Fellowship

Get in touch


2937 54th Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512